Weekly View |
Monday, 02 July 2018 - Sunday, 08 July 2018 |
Preceding Week
Monday, 02 July 2018 - Sunday, 08 July 2018 |
Following Week |
02 July
STAGE Monday 2 July 09h00-16h45
Guitar Workshop
Lieu : Conservatoire à rayonnement régional (CRR) Workshop directed by Diego Trosman 10 hours of classes on two days.
EXPOSITION Monday 2 July 10h00-19h00
Gérard de Foresta’s engravings
Lieu : Librairie Ombres Blanches (langues étrangères)
Exhibition of engravings by Gérard de Foresta in the Café tango space inside the Ombres Blanches bookstore.
STAGE Monday 2 July 10h30-16h00
Tango-contact improv
Lieu : Centre culturel Saint-Cyprien Teacher : Nathalie Mann. 3 workshops of 1h30.
PAUSE TANGO Monday 2 July 14h30-16h30
Café tango
Lieu : Librairie Ombres Blanches (langues étrangères) As a cultural meeting place, the Café Tango gathers both professionals and amateurs around tango and South-American culture.
BAL, PLEIN AIR Monday 2 July 16h30-19h30
Eterna Milonga - DJ David Alvarez
Lieu : Place Saint-Pierre The Eterna milonga is a favorite among dancers who meet every afternoon during the festival under the enchanting shade of the Place Saint-Pierre.
BAL, PLEIN AIR Monday 2 July 19h30-23h00
Eterna Milonga - DJ David Alvarez
Lieu : Place Saint-Pierre Exceptionally, the Eterna Milonga will continue til 11pm! Enjoy the city lights while dancing tango!
BAL Monday 2 July 22h00-03h00
Tangueando's Milonga
Lieu : Maison du Tango (Tangueando Toulouse)
Organized by Tangueando Toulouse at the Maison du Tango, a tango hotspot in Toulouse!
03 July
STAGE Tuesday 3 July 09h00-16h45
Guitar Workshop
Lieu : Conservatoire à rayonnement régional (CRR) Workshop directed by Diego Trosman 10 hours of classes on two days.
EXPOSITION Tuesday 3 July 10h00-19h00
Gérard de Foresta’s engravings
Lieu : Librairie Ombres Blanches (langues étrangères)
Exhibition of engravings by Gérard de Foresta in the Café tango space inside the Ombres Blanches bookstore.
STAGE Tuesday 3 July 10h30-16h00
Lieu : Centre culturel Saint-Cyprien
Teacher/ Facilitator : Laure Fourest (Marseille). Anatomy for tango. All day workshop.
EXPOSITION Tuesday 3 July 10h30-19h00
Todo es tango / Pedro Lombardi
Lieu : Galerie Zunzún
This exhibition gathers photos taken during the genesis of the documentary Tango, no todo es rock by Jacques Goldstein & Pedro Lombardi, which give an insight one coast of the Rio de la Plata to the other, the roots and the essence of modern tango.
EXPOSITION Tuesday 3 July 11h30-12h30
Chemins de compostelle
Lieu : Couvent des Jacobins Chaque jour, le couvent des Jacobins et son équipe de comédiens vous proposeront un voyage dans le temps, théâtral, immersif et original, sur les chemins de Compostelle à l'époque médiévale. Comédiens, costumes, décors, accessoires...
PAUSE TANGO Tuesday 3 July 14h30-16h30
Café tango
Lieu : Librairie Ombres Blanches (langues étrangères) As a cultural meeting place, the Café Tango gathers both professionals and amateurs around tango and South-American culture.
BAL, PLEIN AIR Tuesday 3 July 16h30-19h30
Eterna Milonga - DJ Daniel Estève
Lieu : Place Saint-Pierre
The Eterna milonga is a favorite among dancers who meet every afternoon during the festival under the enchanting shade of the Place Saint-Pierre.
PEÑA, BAL Tuesday 3 July 20h00-03h00
Peña y más
Lieu : La Sainte Dynamo Open mic for amateurs and professional musicians.
A warm and friendly atmosphere!
With the participation of David Castro, Brian Chambouleyron and Diego Trosman!
TANGO BALADE Tuesday 3 July 21h00-22h30
Tango and history walk- BY NIGHT!
Lieu : Métro Jean-Jaurès (place d'Arménie)
NEW! Discover or rediscover the pink city by night with tango steps!
BAL Tuesday 3 July 22h30-03h00
Milonga - DJ Manu
Lieu : Maison du Tango (Tangueando Toulouse)
Ball with DJ Manu.
One ticket gets you in this milonga and the one at La Dynamo.
04 July
STAGE Wednesday 4 July 09h30-16h30
Singing workshop
Lieu : Conservatoire à rayonnement régional (CRR) Workshop proposed by Bryan Chambouleyron. 9 hours of classes on two days.
EXPOSITION Wednesday 4 July 10h00-19h00
Gérard de Foresta’s engravings
Lieu : Librairie Ombres Blanches (langues étrangères)
Exhibition of engravings by Gérard de Foresta in the Café tango space inside the Ombres Blanches bookstore.
STAGE Wednesday 4 July 10h30-16h00
Bailar bien en la milonga
Lieu : Salle Osète
Teachers : Roque Castellano and Giselle Gatica Luján. 3 workshops of an hour and a half each.
EXPOSITION Wednesday 4 July 10h30-19h00
Todo es tango / Pedro Lombardi
Lieu : Galerie Zunzún
This exhibition gathers photos taken during the genesis of the documentary Tango, no todo es rock by Jacques Goldstein & Pedro Lombardi, which give an insight one coast of the Rio de la Plata to the other, the roots and the essence of modern tango.
EXPOSITION Wednesday 4 July 11h30-12h30
Chemins de compostelle
Lieu : Couvent des Jacobins Chaque jour, le couvent des Jacobins et son équipe de comédiens vous proposeront un voyage dans le temps, théâtral, immersif et original, sur les chemins de Compostelle à l'époque médiévale. Comédiens, costumes, décors, accessoires...
PAUSE TANGO Wednesday 4 July 14h30-16h30
Café tango
Lieu : Librairie Ombres Blanches (langues étrangères) As a cultural meeting place, the Café Tango gathers both professionals and amateurs around tango and South-American culture.
BAL, PLEIN AIR Wednesday 4 July 16h30-19h30
Eterna Milonga - DJ Sarina Cassaro, "L'Arrabalera"
Lieu : Place Saint-Pierre
The Eterna milonga is a favorite among dancers who meet every afternoon during the festival under the enchanting shade of the Place Saint-Pierre.
FOLKLORE Wednesday 4 July 19h30-20h30
Show and introduction to Argentine folk
Lieu : Place Saint-Pierre Discover or rediscover the colourful traditional Argentine dances with Roque Castellano and Giselle Gatica Luján!
APÉRO-CONCERT Wednesday 4 July 20h00-21h00
Rémy Tatard
Lieu : Ô Boudu pont Rémy Tatard (accordion, cistre and guitar) invite us to a musical journey through latin america, revisited by his personal touch, full of poetry !
BAL, PLEIN AIR Wednesday 4 July 20h30-23h00
Eterna Milonga de noche - DJ CyberChris
Lieu : Place Saint-Pierre
Exceptionally, the Eterna Milonga will continue til midnight! Enjoy the city lights while dancing tango !
David Castro will be participating!
BAL Wednesday 4 July 23h00-04h00
After de l'abbaye
Lieu : La Sainte Dynamo
Continue the night in the atypical ambiance of La Sainte Dynamo abbey with DJs Phil and Hubert ! On the menu: 1 hour of traditional tango followed by 1 hour of modern tango, then 2 hours of alt. music.
05 July
STAGE Thursday 5 July 09h30-16h30
Singing workshop
Lieu : Conservatoire à rayonnement régional (CRR) Workshop proposed by Bryan Chambouleyron. 9 hours of classes on two days.
EXPOSITION Thursday 5 July 10h00-19h00
Gérard de Foresta’s engravings
Lieu : Librairie Ombres Blanches (langues étrangères)
Exhibition of engravings by Gérard de Foresta in the Café tango space inside the Ombres Blanches bookstore.
STAGE, FOLKLORE Thursday 5 July 10h30-16h00
Argentinian Folklore
Lieu : Salle Osète
3 workshops lasting 1h30 each (chacarera, gato, zamba) with Giselle Gatica Luján and Roque Castellano (Argentina).
EXPOSITION Thursday 5 July 10h30-19h00
Todo es tango / Pedro Lombardi
Lieu : Galerie Zunzún
This exhibition gathers photos taken during the genesis of the documentary Tango, no todo es rock by Jacques Goldstein & Pedro Lombardi, which give an insight one coast of the Rio de la Plata to the other, the roots and the essence of modern tango.
EXPOSITION Thursday 5 July 11h30-12h30
Chemins de compostelle
Lieu : Couvent des Jacobins Chaque jour, le couvent des Jacobins et son équipe de comédiens vous proposeront un voyage dans le temps, théâtral, immersif et original, sur les chemins de Compostelle à l'époque médiévale. Comédiens, costumes, décors, accessoires...
PAUSE TANGO Thursday 5 July 14h30-16h30
Café tango
Lieu : Librairie Ombres Blanches (langues étrangères) As a cultural meeting place, the Café Tango gathers both professionals and amateurs around tango and South-American culture.
TANGO BALADE Thursday 5 July 15h00-16h30
Tango and history walk- BY NIGHT!
Lieu : Musée des Abattoirs
Discover or rediscover the Pink City with tango steps!
Walks led by the OtrosTangos team.
BAL, PLEIN AIR Thursday 5 July 16h30-19h30
Eterna Milonga - DJ Prinz
Lieu : Place Saint-Pierre
The Eterna milonga is a favorite among dancers who meet every afternoon during the festival under the enchanting shade of the Place Saint-Pierre.
CONCERT Thursday 5 July 20h00-21h30
Franco Luciani Trio
Lieu : Auditorium Saint-Pierre des Cuisines
Don’t miss this concert with the exceptional participation of the dancers Roque Castellano et Giselle Gatica Luján!
BAL Thursday 5 July 22h00-02h00
Milonga 2 / Tangueando
Lieu : Maison du Tango (Tangueando Toulouse) La salle Osète étant complète, Tangueando ouvre une deuxième milonga à la Maison du tango !
DJ Juan Manuel Rodriguez (Barcelone)
BAL Thursday 5 July 22h00-02h00
Milonga du jeudi exceptionnelle
Lieu : Salle Osète
Organized by Tangueando Toulouse Association at the Maison du Tango, a tango hotspot in Toulouse!
06 July
EXPOSITION Friday 6 July 10h00-19h00
Gérard de Foresta’s engravings
Lieu : Librairie Ombres Blanches (langues étrangères)
Exhibition of engravings by Gérard de Foresta in the Café tango space inside the Ombres Blanches bookstore.
EXPOSITION Friday 6 July 10h30-19h00
Todo es tango / Pedro Lombardi
Lieu : Galerie Zunzún
This exhibition gathers photos taken during the genesis of the documentary Tango, no todo es rock by Jacques Goldstein & Pedro Lombardi, which give an insight one coast of the Rio de la Plata to the other, the roots and the essence of modern tango.
EXPOSITION Friday 6 July 11h30-12h30
Chemins de compostelle
Lieu : Couvent des Jacobins Chaque jour, le couvent des Jacobins et son équipe de comédiens vous proposeront un voyage dans le temps, théâtral, immersif et original, sur les chemins de Compostelle à l'époque médiévale. Comédiens, costumes, décors, accessoires...
PAUSE TANGO Friday 6 July 14h30-16h30
Café tango
Lieu : Librairie Ombres Blanches (langues étrangères) As a cultural meeting place, the Café Tango gathers both professionals and amateurs around tango and South-American culture.
STAGE Friday 6 July 14h30-16h00
Listening, feeling and enjoying
Lieu : Salle San Subra
Teachers : Denise Pitruzzello and Christophe Apprill. 3 workshops of an hour and a half each on July 6th and 7th.
BAL Friday 6 July 16h30-19h30
Eterna Milonga - DJ Paola Pia
Lieu : Place Saint-Pierre The Eterna milonga is a favorite among dancers who meet every afternoon during the festival under the enchanting shade of the Place Saint-Pierre.
APÉRO-CONCERT Friday 6 July 20h30-21h30
Brian Chambouleyron
Lieu : Les Marins d'eau douce For this first Apero-tango at the Marins d’eau douce, argentinean singer and guitarist Brian Chambouleyron will offer a repertoire of the songs which marked his geography of traveler: tango, international and argentinean popular musics.
BAL Friday 6 July 21h00-03h00
Tango Spleen / DJ Francisco Serrano
Lieu : Salle des fêtes de Ramonville 2 rooms, 2 atmospheres and one outdoor dancefloor ! After party from 3am onwards!
Performance : Roque Castellano and Giselle Gatica Luján
07 July
EXPOSITION Saturday 7 July 10h00-19h00
Gérard de Foresta’s engravings
Lieu : Librairie Ombres Blanches (langues étrangères)
Exhibition of engravings by Gérard de Foresta in the Café tango space inside the Ombres Blanches bookstore.
EXPOSITION Saturday 7 July 10h30-19h00
Todo es tango / Pedro Lombardi
Lieu : Galerie Zunzún
This exhibition gathers photos taken during the genesis of the documentary Tango, no todo es rock by Jacques Goldstein & Pedro Lombardi, which give an insight one coast of the Rio de la Plata to the other, the roots and the essence of modern tango.
EXPOSITION Saturday 7 July 11h30-12h30
Chemins de compostelle
Lieu : Couvent des Jacobins Chaque jour, le couvent des Jacobins et son équipe de comédiens vous proposeront un voyage dans le temps, théâtral, immersif et original, sur les chemins de Compostelle à l'époque médiévale. Comédiens, costumes, décors, accessoires...
STAGE Saturday 7 July 12h30-16h00
Listening, feeling and enjoying
Lieu : Salle San Subra
Teachers : Denise Pitruzzello and Christophe Apprill. 3 workshops of an hour and a half each on July 6th and 7th.
PAUSE TANGO Saturday 7 July 14h30-16h30
Café tango
Lieu : Librairie Ombres Blanches (langues étrangères) As a cultural meeting place, the Café Tango gathers both professionals and amateurs around tango and South-American culture.
TANGO BALADE Saturday 7 July 15h00-16h30
Tango and history walk- BY NIGHT!
Lieu : Métro Carmes (rue du Languedoc)
Discover or rediscover the Pink City with tango steps!
Walks led by the OtrosTangos team.
Introductions Saturday 7 July 15h30-16h30
Introduction to Argentine tango
Lieu : Place Saint-Pierre
Free introduction to Argentine tango with tango argentin Marcela Barrios.
BAL, PLEIN AIR Saturday 7 July 16h30-19h30
Eterna Milonga - DJ Francisco Serrano
Lieu : Place Saint-Pierre The Eterna milonga is a favorite among dancers who meet every afternoon during the festival under the enchanting shade of the Place Saint-Pierre.
CONCERT Saturday 7 July 19h30-20h30
Clôture de l'Eterna Milonga 2018
Lieu : Place Saint-Pierre Concert de clôture de l'Eterna Milonga 2018 avec l'orchestre d'harmonie La Garonne, dirigé par Timoté Bergez.
60 musiciens sont attendus sur la place Saint-Pierre dans un programme de musiques d'Amérique latine !
BAL Saturday 7 July 21h00-03h00
Sexteto Milonguero / DJ Paola Pia
Lieu : Salle des fêtes de Ramonville 10th anniversary night !
Performance : Gustavo Rosas and Gisela Natoli.
2 rooms, 2 atmospheres and one outdoor dancefloor ! After party from 3am onwards!
08 July
DESPEDIDA Sunday 8 July 12h30-14h00
Repas despedida
Lieu : Les Marins d'eau douce Comme chaque année, le restaurant Les Marins d'eau proposera une formule buffet (apéritif, boissons et café compris) à 18,80 €.
DESPEDIDA, BAL Sunday 8 July 14h00-00h00
Despedida - DJs BYC & CyberChris
Lieu : Salle des fêtes de Ramonville
10 hours of dancing starting at 2pm, led by DJs BYC and CyberChris (traditional music) as well as OtrosTangos (alternative)... Many surprises await you as well !
2 rooms, 2 atmospheres and one outdoor dancefloor !