Daily View |
Tuesday, 03 July 2018 |
Preceding Day
Tuesday, 03 July 2018 |
Following Day
STAGE Tuesday 3 July 09h00-16h45
Guitar Workshop
Lieu : Conservatoire à rayonnement régional (CRR) Workshop directed by Diego Trosman 10 hours of classes on two days.
EXPOSITION Tuesday 3 July 10h00-19h00
Gérard de Foresta’s engravings
Lieu : Librairie Ombres Blanches (langues étrangères)
Exhibition of engravings by Gérard de Foresta in the Café tango space inside the Ombres Blanches bookstore.
STAGE Tuesday 3 July 10h30-16h00
Lieu : Centre culturel Saint-Cyprien
Teacher/ Facilitator : Laure Fourest (Marseille). Anatomy for tango. All day workshop.
EXPOSITION Tuesday 3 July 10h30-19h00
Todo es tango / Pedro Lombardi
Lieu : Galerie Zunzún
This exhibition gathers photos taken during the genesis of the documentary Tango, no todo es rock by Jacques Goldstein & Pedro Lombardi, which give an insight one coast of the Rio de la Plata to the other, the roots and the essence of modern tango.
EXPOSITION Tuesday 3 July 11h30-12h30
Chemins de compostelle
Lieu : Couvent des Jacobins Chaque jour, le couvent des Jacobins et son équipe de comédiens vous proposeront un voyage dans le temps, théâtral, immersif et original, sur les chemins de Compostelle à l'époque médiévale. Comédiens, costumes, décors, accessoires...
PAUSE TANGO Tuesday 3 July 14h30-16h30
Café tango
Lieu : Librairie Ombres Blanches (langues étrangères) As a cultural meeting place, the Café Tango gathers both professionals and amateurs around tango and South-American culture.
BAL, PLEIN AIR Tuesday 3 July 16h30-19h30
Eterna Milonga - DJ Daniel Estève
Lieu : Place Saint-Pierre
The Eterna milonga is a favorite among dancers who meet every afternoon during the festival under the enchanting shade of the Place Saint-Pierre.
PEÑA, BAL Tuesday 3 July 20h00-03h00
Peña y más
Lieu : La Sainte Dynamo Open mic for amateurs and professional musicians.
A warm and friendly atmosphere!
With the participation of David Castro, Brian Chambouleyron and Diego Trosman!
TANGO BALADE Tuesday 3 July 21h00-22h30
Tango and history walk- BY NIGHT!
Lieu : Métro Jean-Jaurès (place d'Arménie)
NEW! Discover or rediscover the pink city by night with tango steps!
BAL Tuesday 3 July 22h30-03h00
Milonga - DJ Manu
Lieu : Maison du Tango (Tangueando Toulouse)
Ball with DJ Manu.
One ticket gets you in this milonga and the one at La Dynamo.