Become a ambassador 

You want to contribute to make Tangopostale known around the world and enjoy many advantages? It is very easy!
Tangopostale has now a network of 80 ambassadors, from Porto to Vladivostok, including Stockholm and Algiers! The festival also relies on a network of “messengers”, dancers from Toulouse who travel across France and abroad.

Your mission: to help us spread information about the festival (only in digital version from 2022) among the people you know, the tango groups you're in, the festivals you go to...

Our commitments: you will be offered an individualized welcome file for the festival and a dedicated contact, free subscription to the FITT association, reduced prices*, help to find accommodation for the festival, carsharing...

* The reduced prices can also be applied to people who come with you (4 people minimum instead of 10 for the group price).

Show the map of our network of ambassadors (last update : March 2019)

More information: please contact Jeanne

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