Daily View

Sunday, 02 July 2017
  Preceding Day Sunday, 02 July 2017 Following Day
  • ALTERNATIF  Sunday 2 July  14h30-18h35   Néotango

    Lieu : Studio Hop

    3 workshops lasting 1h15 each, with Charlotte Pédrant and Cédric Tellier (Marseille).


    3 workshops lasting 1h15 each, with Charlotte Pédrant and Cédric Tellier (Marseille).

  • ALTERNATIF  Sunday 2 July  18h00-20h30   Exhibition opening & alternative ball

    Lieu : Galerie Zunzún

    Opening of Gerardo Sesin’s exhibition at the Galerie Zunzún. 
    Outdoor alternative ball organised by OtrosTangos (DJ Hubert).

  • ALTERNATIF  Sunday 2 July  22h00-05h00   Milonga Zéro Tango

    Lieu : Espace Allegria

    100 % alternative milonga, by Nueva Guardia and OtrosTangos.


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