Sunday, 02 July 2017 : 18h00-20h30

Exhibition opening & alternative ball

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In the corner of the ball, Gerardo Sesin is watching. The yellow of the lights, the velvet of the gestures. Is he following the memory of the 78s of his grandfather (tangos of Discépolo, of the"Polaco" Goyeneche…)? Or is it the intense presence of these fans – dancers and orchestras of La Boca, his native neighborhood – despite out of date, that facinates him?
There is something of Lucian Freud in his way of travelling around what surrounds him in his paintings, and try to find the « indiscernible areas » in which his painting could be at one with the circumstance. It is his way, according to his own words, to « embrace life ». The new paintings of Gerardo Sesin, from his series Milongas and Escenas cotidianas, will be exhibited at the Galerie Zunzún, from July 2nd to 30th 2017.
Discover Gerardo Sesin

At the end of the opening, Hubert, DJ from OtrosTangos, will propose a selection of classical and alternative tangos, outdoor on the place Bachelier.

DJ Hubert
He is a dancer since... the last century! Hubert started organising the « Tango Flash », the flashmobs advertising the festival Tangopostale, then the Tango walks and other danced walks in town, before hosting alternative milongas of the festival. Member of OtrosTangos, Hubert is interested in mixing styles, in tangos nuevos, in electronic and alternative musics. He also hosts classico-alternative milongas in Ariège.

Find more about OtrosTangos
Zoom on alternative tango



  Location   Galerie Zunzún
  27, rue Palaprat
  31000 - Toulouse
  05 81 34 39 67

Site de la galerie 
Accès en transports en commun :
Métro lignes A et B, arrêt Jean-Jaurès, puis 6 min. de marche



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