FRI 28 - SAT 29 - SUN 30 - MON 1 - TUE 2 - WED 3 - THU 4 - FRI 5 - SAT 6 - SUN 7 - MON 8 - ALL

FRI 26 - SAT 27 - SUN 28 - MON 29 - TUE 30 - WED 1 - THU 2 - FRI 3 - SAT 4 - SUN 5 - TOUT


VIE 28 - SAB 29 - DOM 30 - LUN 1 - MAR 2 - MIÉ 3 - JUE 4 - VIE 5 - SAB 6 - DOM 7 - TOUT


Saturday, June 29 17h00-19h45

Neo workshops with Manuela Marce et Felipe Slimobich



1 workshop = 20€ // 4 workshops = 76€

Saturday, 29 June 2024 : 17h00-19h45

4 workshops with Manuela Marce and Felipe Slimobich, in a style combining traditional tango and nuevo, creativity and poetry!

✦ Saturday June, 29th: 

Workshop 1 • 5-6:15pm: The art of combinatoria:
In tango there are 48 possible sacadas. 
If we learn only one sacada and the rules of combination, we can get all the others.

Workshop 2 • 6:30-7:45pm: Barridas: painting with our feet

✦ Sunday, June 30th: 

Workshop 3 • 5-6:15pm : Soltadas and alternative embraces

Workshop 4 • 6:30-7:45pm: Playing with musicality
Tango and neotango rhythmic patterns, freezing, slow motion, syncopation, doble beat and more...


Follow the event on FB for all the latest news!


  Location   Studio Hop
  4 bis, avenue de Rangueil
  31400 - Toulouse

Go to the Studio Hop:

> Metro station Saint-Agne-SNCF (line B) and then 5 min. walking
(For the neolongas, metro until 3am on Saturday and 12pm on Sunday, then carsharing until the first metro at 5:30am)
> By car: exit n°23 b 



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