FRI 28 - SAT 29 - SUN 30 - MON 1 - TUE 2 - WED 3 - THU 4 - FRI 5 - SAT 6 - SUN 7 - MON 8 - ALL

FRI 26 - SAT 27 - SUN 28 - MON 29 - TUE 30 - WED 1 - THU 2 - FRI 3 - SAT 4 - SUN 5 - TOUT


VIE 28 - SAB 29 - DOM 30 - LUN 1 - MAR 2 - MIÉ 3 - JUE 4 - VIE 5 - SAB 6 - DOM 7 - TOUT


Friday, July 5 12h30-16h00




20€ for 1 workhop // 30€ for 2

Friday, 05 July 2019 : 12h30-16h00

12h30-14h: Introduction to the rhythms and folk dances of Rio de la Plata
To allow our body, through music and dance, to express our emotions and feelings.

14h30-16h: chacarera workshop
Work on the physical possibilties of movement: support points, rhythms, posture, technique, body dissociation, musicalisation, practice and choreography.

Classes for all levels. It is not necessary to register as a couple.

  Location   Salle Osète
  6, rue du Lieutenant-Colonel Pélissier
  31000 - Toulouse

Metro A and B : Jean Jaurès station
The salle Osète is situated in the "Espace Duranti".



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