Programme du festival

Friday, July 3 11h30-17h30

Classes - 3 workshops
Connexion et abrazo / milonga lisa 1 / caminata y vaivenes
(Tangueando - Maison du tango)

STAGE Maestros


Friday, 03 July 2015 : 11h30-17h30

Stage : maestros - Fabian Peralta Josefina Bermudez (Tangueando)

Fabian Josefina This year, within the framework of the International Argentine Tango Festival of Toulouse 2015, Tangueando Toulouse receives Fabian Peralta and Josefina Bermudez, two big internationally renowned Argentine « Maestros » who come directly from Buenos Aires.
Their pedagogy has been built from their motivation: their desire to transmit the warm and passionate Argentine tango essence, as well as its elegance, precision and sobriety of this passion, the ease and the pleasure of sharing. This kind of tango offers the refinement and honor code of dance.
It is no coincidence that Fabian Peralta and Josefina Bermudez chose to come to Toulouse for their first visit since it’s the city of Carlos Gardel in France. That’s why they chose to bring the colors of their origins to the 7th edition of the FITT.
La Maison du Tango de Tangueando Toulouse (51 rue Bayard - 31000 Toulouse), offers 7 courses with its tradition and friendliness from the 3rd to the 5th of July. This internship will lead you on the steps of the delicate and precious Argentine tango.

Internship Program :

11H30 - 13H
"Abrazo" and "connection"
(All levels)
"Yeites" or How to improve the style
(intermediate / advanced)
"Variaciones": Highest moments of the tango
14H - 15H30
Milonga Lisa:simple figures
(intermediate / advanced)
Milonga Lisa: Classic and complex figures
16H - 17H30
"Caminata" and "Vaivenes" characteristics of the classic « tango salon »
(intermediate / advanced)
Vals: Figures of formerly, special Figures
(intermediate / advanced)


Some explanations:
  • C1) " Abrazo and connection " (All levels) will be a workshop about the essential elements in the tango embrace: how to distribute and balance the energy of 2 bodies, guide and response in harmony to enjoy. You will learn the differents type and distance of the « abrazo » in order to develop freely the movements of every step or figure…
  • C2) The workshop " Milonga Lisa Niv 1 " (intermediate level / advanced level): to master the art of dancing the milonga in "lisa" is a real pleasure but it’s not as simple. In this workshop we will see a new way to guide as well as new ways to make simple figures, eights and other figures from the very beautiful « milonga lisa ».
  • C3) The workshop « Caminata y Vaivenes »" (intermediate level / advanced level): we will learn this characteristics of the classic tango, the walking elegance and precision of the subtle caress of the dancer’s heel on the floor. We will also learn how walking becomes a swing (vaivenes) that defines the shape of the "milongueros". We will see: walking, side walking, swinging direction change (vaivenes).
  • C4)« Yeites »(intermediate level / advanced level) or how to work your style. This workshop will deal with the unique way of interpreting tango based on the touch and detail of each danser. We will see the "caída", " salida del ' 40 ", “salida con apile”, “salida con caída atrás”, “cruces con parada”, “resolución, punta y taco”.
  • C5) The workshop" Milonga Lisa Niv 2 " (advanced/expert): classic and complex figures. Continuing with the Niv1, we shall see classic and complex figures to enjoy the unique energy of the « milonga lisa ».
  • C6) The Waltz (intermediate level / advanced level): the waltz, like the flight of the swallows. Who hasn’t fallen in love with this rhythm and grace? We shall see particularly former and special figures to have fun and enjoy its triple time.
  • C7) "Variaciones"(advanced/expert): highest moments of the tango. For the meaningful steps where we enjoy the vertigo of turning with all its combinations and difficulties... We will learn variations with voleos (m/f) patadas, ganchos (h/f), changing rounds, flips, etc.
Prices :
  • 1 or 2 clases : 25€ each
  • 3 classes: 22€ each
  • more than 3 classes : 20€ each

Milonga Tangueando (July 2d) free for 3 clases or more

You need to be a member, special price for the classes : 3€

Contact : tel : 05 62 73 10 62

Peoples (click on a name to get more informations)

  Location   Maison du Tango (Tangueando Toulouse)
  51 Rue Bayard
  31000 - Toulouse

Site de Tangueando Toulouse

Métro : Ligne A – Arrêt Marengo SNCF // Ligne B – Arrêt Jeanne d’Arc

En métro : Derniers départs de chaque terminus à 0h des nuits du dimanche au jeudi / Derniers départs de chaque terminus à 3h des nuits des vendredis et samedis
Plus d’infos sur le site de Tisséo

En bus : Noctambus (les nuits du jeudis) > Départ de Marengo SNCF ou Jeanne d’Arc en direction Ramonville : 01h00 – 02h00 – 3h00 – 4h00



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