Évènements pré-festival

Sunday, July 2 22h00-05h00

Milonga Zéro Tango


Sunday, 02 July 2017 : 22h00-05h00

Milonga Zéro Tango

Anna Neum web2alegria web2

A 100% alternative milonga organised by Nueva Guardia and OtrosTangos.

The evening will be hosted by Anna Neum (Moscow) and the DJs from OtrosTangos (Hubert, Phil and Thierry).
DJs battle from 1am to 3am! Nocturna on the programme!

Anna Neum
Originally from Moscow, Anna Neum has been playing music since her childhood, starting with classical music. She fell in love with tango in 1998, but it took her ten years before she started dancing too, instead of only listening to the music. But it was worth it! Anna loves tangos from the golden age and neo-tangos equally, and hopes these two will harmoniously live together one day.

Find more about OtrosTangos 
Zoom on alternative tango

4 € / 7 €


  Location   Espace Allegria
  110, rue Achille Viadieu
  31400 - Toulouse

Site de l'Espace Allegria
Accès en transports en commun :
Palais de Justice (métro ligne B, tramway ligne T1/T2), puis 5 min. de marche.
Stations VélôToulouse 103, 116, 154



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