STAGE Saturday 1 July 13h45-18h00 Tango / Waltz / Musicality
Lieu : Centre culturel Saint-Cyprien
3 workshops lasting 1h15 each, with Marcela Barrios and Pedro Ochoa.
ALTERNATIF, STAGE Saturday 1 July 14h30-18h35 Néotango
Lieu : Studio Hop
3 workshops lasting 1h15 each, with Charlotte Pédrant and Cédric Tellier (Marseille).
STAGE Sunday 2 July 10h45-17h15 Sophrotango®
Lieu : Maison du Tango (Tangueando Toulouse)
5h of workshops with Nathalie Lebrun-Bailly, relaxation therapist and occupational therapist.
ALTERNATIF, STAGE Sunday 2 July 14h30-18h35 Néotango
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