Weekly View

Monday, 04 July 2016 - Sunday, 10 July 2016
  Preceding Week Monday, 04 July 2016 - Sunday, 10 July 2016 Following Week
08 July
  • Concert and Milonga, ALTERNATIF  Friday 8 July  21h00-03h00  Highlight and BAL  Concert and Bal with Solo Tango orchestra, DJ Sodini and OtrosTangos

    Lieu : Salle des fêtes de Ramonville

    Main Friday night milonga, 2 halls, 2 music style + One 200m2 outdoor dance floor

    In the main hall and in the outdoor dance floor : Solo Tango orchestra, with DJ Gabriel Sodini from Buenos Aires.

    On first floor, OtrosTangos will liven up an alternative Milonga and it’s Nocturna.

    After: will start in the same place at 3:00am


09 July
  • Concert and Milonga, ALTERNATIF  Saturday 9 July  21h00-03h00  Highlight and BAL  Concert and Bal with Hyperion ensemble orchestra, DJ Fred2Gap and OtrosTangos

    Lieu : Salle des fêtes de Ramonville

    Main Saturday night milonga, 2 halls, 2 music style + One 200m2 outdoor dance floor

    In the main hallHypérion orchestra, DJ Fred2gap and maestros Cesar Agazzi and Virginia Uva.

    On first floor, OtrosTangos will liven up an alternative Milonga and it’s Nocturna.

    After : will start in the same place at 3:00am.


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