Weekly View

Monday, 04 July 2016 - Sunday, 10 July 2016
  Preceding Week Monday, 04 July 2016 - Sunday, 10 July 2016 Following Week
10 July
  • ALTERNATIF  Sunday 10 July  12h30-00h00  Highlight and BAL  "Despedida del puerto" (Port de Ramonville)

    Lieu : Port d'escale Technique de Ramonville


    12:30am -2pm : Buffet lunch (in « Aux marins d’eau douce » restaurant) will allow you to enjoy musical animations before the milonga starts

    Reservation is mandatory for the meal before July 5.

    • Main hall: DJBYC Bernardo until 7 pm then DJ Fred2gap until midnight.
    • First floor: OtrosTangos will livenup n alternative milonga with his DJ’s.
    • Outdoor dance floor : a series of tangos, animations, traditional dances in alternance

    In the evening you will be able to have dinner near to the « Canal du midi » (trucks).


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