Daily View |
Tuesday, 02 July 2019 |
Preceding Day
Tuesday, 02 July 2019 |
Following Day
STAGE Tuesday 2 July 09h30-16h45
Guitar workshop
Lieu : Conservatoire à rayonnement régional (CRR) Teacher: Diego Trosman. 10 hours of indissociable workshops spread over two days.
INITIATION - DÉCOUVERTE Tuesday 2 July 14h00-15h00
Lieu : Place Saint-Pierre Want to release the aches of the day before and warm up gently for a new day of tango?
Every day, some members of the association propose an hour of workshop from 2 to 3 pm, to prepare your body to dance until the end of the night!
PAUSE TANGO Tuesday 2 July 14h30-16h30
Tango Café
Lieu : Librairie Ombres Blanches (langues étrangères) As a cultural meeting place, the Café Tango gathers both professionals and amateurs around tango and South-American culture.
Exhibition of drawings: "The tango and its maestros" by Hermenegildo Sábat
STAGE Tuesday 2 July 15h00-18h00
Drawing workshop
Lieu : CMS (Communauté Municipale de Santé) Teachers : Jorge Gonzalez and Katia Klein.
INITIATION - DÉCOUVERTE Tuesday 2 July 15h30-16h15
Lieu : Place Saint-Pierre Inoculate your friends with the Argentine tango and folklore virus!
BAL, PLEIN AIR, MILONGA NEO Tuesday 2 July 16h30-19h30
Eterna milonga - DJ Padem Patrick Demars
Lieu : Place Saint-Pierre The Eterna milonga is a favorite among dancers who meet every afternoon during the festival under the enchanting shade of the Place Saint-Pierre.
9:30-11pm : NéolonGaronne (alternative ball) with DJ Nat on the riverside
APÉRO-CONCERT Tuesday 2 July 20h00-21h00
Apéro Tango
Lieu : Le Taquin Come and have a drink between two milongas in front of a concert!
Every day, a different place and style of music!
TANGO BALADE Tuesday 2 July 20h30-21h30
Tango & Heritage walks
Lieu : Métro Jean-Jaurès (place d'Arménie) Discover or rediscover the pink city on tango steps! Every day a different route!
BAL Tuesday 2 July 21h00-03h00
Milonga Osète - DJ Wim
Lieu : Salle Osète A 300m² room with a great parquet and a separate bar/relaxation space right in the city center!
With the intervention of Dany Dorf singing on a few tandas.