STAGE Sunday 30 June 10h45-17h15 SophroTango® for teachers
Lieu : Maison du Tango (Tangueando Toulouse)
Teacher: Nathalie Le Brun-Bailly. 3 indissociable workshops spread over the day.
ALTERNATIF, STAGE Sunday 30 June 12h15-13h45 Double role
Lieu : Espace Allegria
Teacher: Carmen Maria Hergos.
Workshop organised by TNT Team and TangOdyssée.
ALTERNATIF, STAGE Sunday 30 June 14h00-18h15 Neotango
Teachers: Charlotte Pédrant & Cédric Tellier. 6 breakaway lessons of 1 hour and 15 minutes, spread over 2 days.
Workshop organised by the TNT Team et TangOdyssée
ALTERNATIF, STAGE Sunday 30 June 15h15-16h45 Resources / Alternative Milonga
Workshop organised by the TNT Team and TangOdyssée
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