Saturday, 29 June 2019 : 18h30-21h30
Workshop organised by the TNT Team et TangOdyssée, 2 indissociable workshops of 1h30 with Carmen Maria Hergos (Barcelona) et Nathalie Mann (Strasbourg).
From the Impro Contact to the Neo Tango: passage, double-roles (Ayo room):
Carmen-Maria and Nathalie invite you to discover Argentine tango in a fun way: the tango as a game, as a walk, as a step.
A trip of 3 hours to go from the fundamentals of Contact Impro to the fundamentals of Argentine tango...
No dance experience or partner needed, tangueros bienvenidos!
Come in comfortable outfit, we will dance the beginning of the course barefoot, in socks or soft shoes.
Carmen Maria Hergos
Nathalie Mann
Fees: the TNT Team and TangOdyssée offer you this year 12 different workshops lasting from 1h15 to 1h30, at a unit price of 20 €, and offers a decreasing price according to the number of selected workshops:
1 workshop = 20 euros / 2 = 36 euros / 3 = 48 euros / 4 = 60 euros / 5 = 70 euros / 6 = 72 euros / 7 = 77 euros / 8 = 88 euros / 9 = 99 euros / 10 = 110 euros / 11= 121 euros / 12 = 132 euros.
Please note that this initiation is composed of two indissociable modules of 1h30 and thus accounts for two workshops in this price plan (36 €). When registering on Festik, it is imperative that you select both modules, your registration will not be taken into account otherwise.
Location Espace Allegria
110, rue Achille Viadieu
31400 - Toulouse
Site de l'Espace Allegria
Accès en transports en commun :
Palais de Justice (métro ligne B, tramway ligne T1/T2), puis 5 min. de marche.
Stations VélôToulouse 103, 116, 154