Tuesday, July 2 10h30-16h00

TangoAnatomy : ground and abrazo



50€ the whole day

Tuesday, 02 July 2024 : 10h30-16h00

An invitation to work on your tango technique through anatomy, for greater relaxation and connection, with Laure Fourest.

TangoAnatomy focuses on in-depth work on the body in tango, using selected elements of anatomy. It's a space where we can discuss how we experience our bodies in dance, our pleasures and discomforts, our delights and pains, and explore solutions that will both prevent pain/discomfort and develop the technical, musical and relational qualities of our dance together.

This year, the workshop will focus on the link between our support and our abrazo, seeking to reconcile the upper half of our body with the lower half. We all experience varying degrees of tension in our shoulders and arms, which cut us off from the ground and can sometimes be painful for us and often uncomfortable for our partners. I'll be giving you some simple tools to help you relax and find the right balance between an abrazo too rigid and a too soft one.

This course will be of interest both to people who have taken the course in previous years, who will find it an in-depth follow-up, and to those who have never tackled this work before.

• Minimum level required: one year of regular practice
• Equipment: comfortable training shoes
- For men, soft trousers, tango shoes, good socks
- For women, no skirt/dress (or leggings to wear underneath), shoes with heels AND flat dance shoes or good socks.

• For everyone: something to take notes on if you wish + a floor mat / towel / small blanket / stole.
• Maximum number of participants: 18
• Registration on Festik. However, money should not be an obstacle to your registration > contact Laure Fourest to find an arrangement: laurefourest@yahoo.fr
• The workshop will be given in French, but can be translated briefly and individually into English for non-French speakers.

••• THE TEACHER • Laure Fourest:

Laure Fourest site

>> More info



  Location   Salle Osète
  6, rue du Lieutenant-Colonel Pélissier
  31000 - Toulouse

Metro A and B : Jean Jaurès station
The salle Osète is situated in the "Espace Duranti".



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