Sunday 29 June
4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.
Inauguration of the Carlos Gardel collector stamp
Price : FREE
On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the death of Carlos Gardel (1890 – 1935), on the initiative of Georges Galopa, president of the Gardéliens of Toulouse and specialist in Gardel's biography, and in partnership with La Poste, theToulouse Philatelic Union decided to produce five stamps and a collector's item (4 different stamps which are different from the standard issue sheet stamps) in homage to the creator of sung tango.
These unique stamps will be on display at the Municipal Community of Health Centre, during the same hours as the "Tangos of Mariano Otero" exhibition. They will be on sale on site, then at the Eterna milonga every day, as well as during the Despedida on Sunday, July 6 at Mas Tolosa.
Esquirol metro station (line A) - 8 minutes walking