Friday, July 4th
3:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.
DJ workshop with Anna Neum
Price : 90€ for two days
Do you have a musical ear and the desire to offer your world to tango dancers? Discover the basics of DJing with an internationally renowned neo-tango DJ during this workshop.
Whatever your background and level, it’s possible!
And if you haven't already, all the terms below will soon no longer hold any mysteries for you...
Thursday, July 3 • 3 p.m. - 5 p.m.:
Anna will begin with a short introduction to explore the history of the music and its evolution, in order to find parallels between traditional Argentine tango and the vast universal musical universe (no less!): to be able to identify the musical criteria that inspire tango dancing.
It is not about creating tandas, but rather about building an atmosphere that carries the dance, with its variations of energy.
We'll cover how to collect music and build an organized library (with or without DJ software), and prepare coherent sets.
• Presentations of the main softs :
• How to use an audio player, bpm detector and tone detector
• Work sequence with streaming services
Friday, July 4 • 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.:
The second day is dedicated to DJ techniques: beatmatching, crossover, using cues, create loops, mixing, using pre-listening, the AutoDJ function, when to sync or not to sync….
Then it will be the practical exercises: we will use the software with all the skills and sensitivities acquired!
✓ Material: Bring your computer, headphones, and download and install a DJ program beforehand: MIXXX for example (free software), or Mediamonkey, Winamp or any other program if you already have one handy.
✓ Language of instruction: English, translated into French if necessary
Saint-Michel-Marcel-Langer metro station (line B)