Saturday, July 7 12h00-17h00

Maestros workshop : Gustavo Rosas & Gisela Natoli



1 workshop: €25 / 3 workshops or more: €20 per workshop

Saturday, 07 July 2018 : 12h00-17h00


Organized by Tangueando Toulouse. 3 workshops of an hour and a half each on July 6th and 7th.  


Friday July 6th 2018

  • 12-1:30pm: Tango technique for leader and follower : axis, pivot, weight, adornos, disassociation, musicality. All levels.
  • 1:45-3:15pm: Valse: transfer and flow in movements, musicality. Intermediate levels.
  • 3:30-5pm: Dancing D’Arienzo: weight shifting, musical games. Intermediate and advanced.

Saturday July 7th 2018

  • 12-1:30pm: Technique tango in the couple : dancing the social dance. Intermediate and advanced.
  • 1:45-3:15pm: Milonga “lisa” and “traspié”. Rhythmical variations. Intermediate and advanced.
  • 3:30-5pm: Giros, lapices, enrosques, adornments for women.Advanced.

Gisela Natoli is a Dancer, Choreographer and Master of Tango, with training in classical and contemporary dance. She graduated from the Contemporary Dance School of the General San Martín Theater in Buenos Aires. 

Gustavo Rosas has been a Dancer, Choreographer, DJ and Master of Argentine Tango since 1992. He has studied with Angel Sinde, Puppy Castelo, Gloria and Eduardo, Carlos Gavito, Raúl Bravo, Portalea, Nito and Elba, Pepito and Susuky Avellaneda, Carlitos Perez, Héctor Chidichimo, Osvaldo Zotto, Carlos and Maria Rivarola and Gustavo Naveira, among others.

Gustavo and Gisela teach Tango classes in Buenos Aires and are invited annually to participate in important Tango Festivals around the World.

They have given Workshops and Performances of Tango in Paris, Denmark, Belgium, Brussels, Gent, Leuven, Bulgaria (Sofia), Germany (Sttutgart, Karlsruhe), Italy (Napoles, Torino, Catania, Rome, Milano, Viareggio, Sardinia), England, Sweden (Malmo), Switzerland (Geneva), Spain, Serbia (Belgrade), Nice, Corsica, Aix en Provence, New York ), Marseille (France), Malta, Finland, Verona, Montecchio Maggiore, Ferrara (Italy), Vienna (Austria), Salerno Tango Workshops (Italy), UK (London), Madrid (Spain), etc.

As choreographers, they have directed the show "El Tango y la Sombra", premiered at the Teatro Maipo in Buenos Aires and have choreographed the show ¨Tango Buenos Aires¨, with which they have performed 67 functions throughout more than 50 Cities in the United States. 

They have produced 5 DVDs of  Tango Lessons with their own style.

In Buenos Aires they teach Group, Private and Tango Workshops at the World School of Tango, Mariposita Tango in San Telmo, ''Gricel Club'' , Milonga La Bruja and ZUM in Club Villa Malcom.

They have performed in the main Milongas of Buenos Aires as: Canning, Sunderland, La Viruta, Gricel, La Ideal, Glorias Argentinas, Cachirulo, Club Fulgor, Club Villa Malcom, etc.


  Location   Maison du Tango (Tangueando Toulouse)
  51 Rue Bayard
  31000 - Toulouse

Site de Tangueando Toulouse

Métro : Ligne A – Arrêt Marengo SNCF // Ligne B – Arrêt Jeanne d’Arc

En métro : Derniers départs de chaque terminus à 0h des nuits du dimanche au jeudi / Derniers départs de chaque terminus à 3h des nuits des vendredis et samedis
Plus d’infos sur le site de Tisséo

En bus : Noctambus (les nuits du jeudis) > Départ de Marengo SNCF ou Jeanne d’Arc en direction Ramonville : 01h00 – 02h00 – 3h00 – 4h00



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