Do you have a room available at home and want to offer the festival artists the best possible welcome?
Become a host during the festival!
The Tangopostale HOSTING network provides accommodation for our dear guests who come to Toulouse to provide music for the dances in Place St-Pierre or to give lectures at Café Tango at the Ombres Blanches bookstore. They generally stay between 1 and 3 nights.
Your help will guarantee you
Free access to Despedida
A 10€ allowance per day per person for breakfast
Conditions to be met:
The host accommodation must be located in Toulouse (in the city center or with good public transport connections), have a private bedroom for guests and access to a bathroom.
A duplicate of the apartment keys is required to guarantee the guest's autonomy.
The guest's lunch and dinner are covered by the festival.
You are asked to provide breakfast (paid at 10 euros including tax per day and per person)
The accommodation will be visited in advance by a member of the Tangopostale team to verify that it complies with the accommodation conditions.