Juillet 2010

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monday 03 july 2017
  • EXPOSITION  Monday 3 July  10h00-18h00   Gerardo Sesin

    Lieu : Galerie Zunzún

    Exhibition of new pieces by Gerardo Sesin (Argentina), from his series Milongas and Escenas cotidianas, from 2nd to 30th July 2017.

  • EXPOSITION  Monday 3 July  10h00-18h00   La Boca, an ideal neighborhood for art

    Lieu : Centre culturel Saint-Cyprien

    Lose yourself into La Boca neighborhood, Buenos Aires, land of coming together of cultures. Works from the Quinquela Martín Museum, Buenos Aires.

  • STAGE  Monday 3 July  10h45-17h15   Waltz / Musicality / Abrazo

    Lieu : Centre culturel Saint-Cyprien

    3 workshops lasting 1h30 each, with Leslie Hassid and Guilhem Firmin.

  • PAUSE TANGO  Monday 3 July  14h00-16h30   Tango Café

    Lieu : Librairie Ombres Blanches (langues étrangères)

    Place for coming together of cultures, the Café Tango gets together both professionals and amateurs of tango and Latin-American culture.

  • TANGO BALADE  Monday 3 July  15h00-16h30   Tango and History walk

    Discover or rediscover the Pink City with tango steps!
    Walks led by the OtrosTangos team.

  • BAL, PLEIN AIR  Monday 3 July  16h30-19h30   Eterna Milonga - DJ BYC Bernardo

    Lieu : Place Saint-Pierre

    The Eterna Milonga is the favourite event of the dancers; it gets together the tangueros every afternoon under the shade of the charming Place Saint-Pierre.

  • PEÑA, BAL  Monday 3 July  20h00-03h00   Peña y más

    Lieu : Maison du Tango (Tangueando Toulouse)

    Open mic for amateurs and professional musicians. A warm and friendly atmosphere!
    Milonga from 22h30 with DJ PYL! 


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